
Firewall with OPNsense

As an alternative to commercial firewall solutions, the license-free firewall OPNsense offers economic advantages with the highest technical standards, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Your Benefits
  • Savings on licensing costs
  • Future-proof with a strong community
  • Ongoing development and new features
  • Professional and cost-effective alternative to commercial vendors
  • Technically outstanding solution
  • Fully open source without government-imposed back-doors
That's IT

The Open Source Firewall OPNsense

For the protection of a company's highest assets, which include your data and know-how, m.a.x. it offers scalable services with OPNsense, especially for small and medium-sized companies. As an OPNsense Gold Partner, we are active and future-proof in the community and are involved in the development of OPNsense-Plugins. Whether it is secure VPN solutions, site networking or the replacement of your existing commercial firewall: m.a.x. it is at your side with professional consulting including implementation, training and high-quality hardware.

Scalable „Firewall-as-a-Service“: With the help of plugins, you can always react to current developments and extend your security solution - an open source firewall as a bulwark for data protection, providing cost and time savings. With the advantages of open and verifiable sources, OPNsense offers a wide range of functionalities with a simple and structured web interface. Rock solid, with no dependencies on a commercial vendors.



How do I securely connect my home office employees and other remote locations to my company?

OPNsense can be used to provide secure VPN connections for employees so that they can access the company infrastructure securely and reliably and use all relevant work services. This allows work to be done flexibly and securely from anywhere.

What do I have to consider when switching to OPNsense from my previous commercial firewall?

If you are looking to switch to the popular open source solution OPNsense, please contact us. Our OPNsense specialists, who are themselves active co-developers of OPNsense, will explain the implementation options to you in detail.

What characterizes OPNsense?

The continuously added functionalities including plug-ins and a strong open source community, which also actively supports you in the official forum in case of problems, are responsible for the growing success of the open source solution. The ever-growing community provides security. Backdoors and state trojans, as they are suspected in many commercial products, are excluded by the complete transparency of the open source solution. Therefore, OPNsense is successively developing into an increasingly popular alternative to commercial solutions and a perceptible market player.

How can I easily manage multiple OPNsense firewalls? Are there any other convenience features?

With its own plug-ins for OPNsense, m.a.x. it offers a repository of useful services that make it significantly easier for you to manage and use the firewall. Be it a central administration of multiple firewalls, simple log connections or SSLsplit for improved malware traffic analysis. The m.a.x. it plug-ins offer real added value and also make administration easier for you in your day-to-day business.

You are considering an Open source firewall with OPNsense or need help with planning or optimization?

OPNsense mit
Plugins aufrunden

Entdecken Sie leistungsstarke Plugins wie Central Management, Filebeat, FRR, BIRD, ADGuard DNS Blocker und geplante Updates für Ihre OPNsense-Installation! Runden Sie Ihre Netzwerksicherheit und Funktionalität mit diesen erstklassigen Plugins auf!

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