
Plugin Power

Customized solutions for you with our self-programmed plugins

Your Benefits
  • Central Management
  • Filebeat
  • FRR – Free Range Routing
  • BIRD
  • ADGuard DNS Blocker
  • SSLsplit

That's IT

Cross-industry plugins

Individual solutions around OPNsense, security and networks. Within the scope of an annual membership you get exclusive access to all OPNsense Professional Plugins of m.a.x. it.

Below you can find information about some of the plugins available from m.a.x. it:

Central Management

All your firewalls in focus!

Regardless of whether you have 2 or 20 firewalls, it's easy to lose track of the day's events. Where is which update still pending? What was the link to the WebUI again? Or how can I quickly install the latest update on many firewalls at the same time?

Together with our security team, our developers have developed a plugin for the central management of your firewalls: Central Management. It is easily installed on an existing firewall or set up as a dedicated system in a new OPNsense firewall.

Using API keys, you can easily access all your devices, see the availability and currently installed versions. You can also install updates remotely and access the respective web interface with a direct link - even on multiple firewalls simultaneously, of course.


Seamless integration into the ELK stack

Filebeat is a central component to send logs to a central Elasticsearch server in enterprise environments. No matter if text files or metrics: Independent of Syslog, all values end up in your existing log server.

Thanks to integrated free fields, you can implement all imaginable setups and customize them according to your ideas.

You are not familiar with Filebeat, ELK or Elasticsearch, but you are faced with the challenge of backing up your logs in a data protection compliant manner?

FRR – Free Range Routing

Easy migration from FRR to OPNsense

You already use FRR in your internal infrastructure, e.g. on Linux? To save you the tedious configuration of text in the GUI, we have developed a suitable plugin. This offers you a simple free field to insert your existing FRR configuration and migrate it easily to OPNsense.

Sehen Sie selbst wie auf einfache Weise BGP Communites übertragen werden können.


The routing alternative to FRR

You already have BIRD in use? Here, we also offer a plugin for easy migration. In this case, you only need to copy your configuration and off you go.

Add static routing entries without gateway constraint? This is possible with this free text. There are absolutely no limits for you!

AdGuard DNS Blocker

Next generation parental controls and website blockers

With AdGuard, parental control, safesearch and application filtering can be easily combined. The entire system works both policy-based for entire networks and down to individual IP addresses. This makes it possible to implement an ideal separation of student and teacher networks for schools, for example.

Interested in knowing what's going on in your network and controlling the network flow down to the last endpoint? Add statistical routing entries without gateway constraints? This is possible with this free text. There are no limits!


Evaluation of SSL/TLS communication

The SSLsplit plugin decrypts (man-in-the-middle) data connections so that malware traffic can be better analyzed. The plugin is used for network forensics, application security analysis and penetration testing by terminating the incoming connection and then establishing its own connection to the original destination address. In the process, the transmitted traffic is logged and recorded.

Do you want to effectively protect your SSL or TLS communications from man-in-the-middle attacks?

Here you can find the current price scales:

Firewall count Price per year (total)
1-9395 €
10-24595 €
25-49895 €
50-991.295 €
100-1991.795 €
200-3992.395 €

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